
This tool mentor describes how to upgrade your development case (and other project-specific HTML-files) to reference a new version of the Rational Unified Process.

Related Rational Unified Process activities:


To upgrade hyperlinks that reference pages in the Rational Unified Process:

  1. Handle hyperlinks to new files and moved files
  2. Handle hyperlinks to files with unchanged file paths

1. Handle hyperlinks to new files and moved files To top of page

If files in the Rational Unified Process, have changed name, been moved to different folders, or been removed, read the release notes for information on how to upgrade the hyperlinks referencing those pages.

2. Handle hyperlinks to files with unchanged file paths To top of page

The following steps will make all hyperlinks in your project-specific HTML-file, point to the new version of the Rational Unified Process. There are several ways to do this, this procedure uses a simple text editor such as WordPad:

  1. Locate where the old version, and the new version of the Rational Unified Process are installed. Let us assume the following:
    C:/Program Files/Rational/RationalUnifiedProcess5.1
    C:/Program Files/Rational/RationalUnifiedProcess6.0
  2. Locate the file path of the file to upgrade. For example, a development case with the following file path:
  3. Open the file 'devcase.htm', with a text editor such as WordPad, or edit the file in 'HTML-mode' using a HTML-editor such as Microsoft FrontPage.
  4. Perform a 'search-and-replace', and replace all occurrences:
    Find: "/RationalUnifiedProcess5.5/"
    Replace: "/RationalUnifiedProcess6.0/".

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Rational Unified Process